Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TMI Tuesday

1. What do you feel is the difference between sexy and erotic?
Presentation and audience. It's like the difference between a lady and a woman.

2. Do you believe there is one right person (i.e. soul mate) for you out there in the world, or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with?
I believe both are true. However, I hope me and my right person find each other so we can have more than blissful cohabitation (more like fidelity and forever) rather than bliss. Bliss sounds too much like blind, fleeting, childish happiness. I want my fidelity and forever.

3. Do you need to hear "I love you" or similar words on a regular basis from your partner?
Absolutely. Words of affirmation all day every day. And I give as good as I get.

4. What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing?
Hurt. Not that "you forgot to call me hurt" that hurt to the very core of my being hurt. That need a couch hurt. That I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy hurt. That's the hurt I have difficulty expressing. . . . especially to the intended person.

5. What is worse - physical, mental or cyber cheating?
None of it is pleasant or ideal or anticipated, but mental (read: emotional) cheating is the most damaging/difficult to recover from in my opinion.

Bonus (as in optional): The Kinsey scale attempts to describe a person's sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. It uses a scale from 0, meaning exclusively heterosexual, to 6, meaning exclusively homosexual. Where are you - TODAY - on the scale?
Zero. Unlike Callie, I meant it when I say "I am a HUGE fan of penis!"


  1. Hurt...I usually wear that emotion on my sleeve...for me it's hard not to show that.

  2. @ marty e.: i wear many emotions on my face. the only thing is im not always good about expressing how and why that came to be.
