Tuesday, December 30, 2008
1.) Have you ever stolen anything from a relatives house?
Yes, but not since I was 12 or so.
2.) If you had to changed lives with a friend from your real life for a day, which would you choose and why?
My sister. She's amazing and ambitious and resilient and brilliant and strong and loving and she maturing into her better self every day.
3.) Name at least one place where you would never have sex.
Well the one place I thought I never would, I came pretty damn close so . . .
4.) If you could change one personality trait in you significant other, what would you change and why?
I have no current SO. The previous one, I would encourage him to accept the love and support of others rather than shut down or "turtle up". Note I said encourage. I wouldn't want him to change FOR me, that's a superficial, hollow change. I want him to change for the better because that's what he wants for himself. (and none of this is any different than what I've been telling him for years)
5.) How important is the mood and setting to you when it comes to sex? (Do you need certain things to set the mood to really enjoy it, etc)
I don't need certain things. I just want the shared appreciation of the moment (or momentS, hint, hint) and mutual desire to please the other. If I know you're gonna please me, I have no problem relinquishing "selfish control" to please you.
6.) Which is worse, bad sex or no sex? Why?
Bad sex. Something is lacking/missing - communication, mutual respect, intimacy, desire, prowess. No sex allows for room for other things to take place - communication, mutual respect, intimacy . . .
7.) On a scale of 0 to 10, how much of a compulsive spender would you say you are?
6. My compulsive spending is consummed not splurged on the trivial. I tend eat my money, more than indulge in the tangible trinkets most compulsively purchase.
8.) Have you ever left a restaurant without paying the bill? Why?
Yep. Peer pressure. LMAO and they took entirely too long to come get the bill (over 30 minutes for a party of 2). It's a wonder we got away since we giggled the entire way to the car.
Last TMI of 2008
I have a love-hate relationship with these TMI Tuesday questions. I get to know what other's are thinking and secretly file in the information away for future use (wink, wink). And I get to think about things long since forgotten or yet unimagined. But the "hate" comes in because I'm not too sure how far my url has entered circulation. I would hate to get called into the office because of something I posted. Not that I'm ashamed; I just believe not everybody needs to know every detail about everything. I try to preserve a modicum of dignity and innocence.
But what I am proud to say is, these questions and the few archived ones I pulled out, helped me talk to my younger cousins about the TMIs of life without me coming across as preachy or over the head of one or giving the other too much ammunition to duplicate my dirt. It was another night of laughes and OMGs and surprise and thought and sharing. Things we shared tonight may affect our lives for the positive. I learned from them; they learned for me. For that I am grateful.
1. Last week was "The Most Wonderful time of the Year", but what are your favorite 2008 memories?
Hearing my nephew say my name and hold a conversation with me. He's shy and only speaks around those he's comfortable with. And he's so affectionate. He and his older brother have saved me from myself many days/nights/weeks in 2008. Oh and their mother is no slouch in the showing me love department.
All the laughs I shared.
The secret moment in time where I smiled bigger, laughed more heartily, when I went to sleep smiling, dreamt smiling and woke up smiling - and only he and I knew why.
Getting a raise at work when merit increases were "frozen".
There are more. And I'm grateful for them all.
2. What is the best thing you learned in 2008?
That I'm worth defending. I stopped letting people say just anything to me. I stopped letting people dump on me. And I did me FOR me. I learned to let my own voice be heard. And I'm not shutting up in 09, so deal! lol
3. On a scale of 1-10, how good was your 2008?
4. What is your wish for 2009? What is your wish for someone else for 2009?
I hope and pray that I experience all that 09 has to offer. I hope that my fears don't deter me from the successes that bear my name. I hope that I have the wisdom to relentlessly build and support myself and others and the strength to demolish and destroy even when necessary. I hope health permeates every aspect of my life: spirit, soul, body, finances, friendships, relationships, dreams, hopes, etc.
For everyone else, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. " - 3 John 1:2
5. Where was the first place you ever passionately kissed?
His house. Or my house. I don't remember. I do remember the way my heart swelled every time we touched. The place was irrelevant, as long as we were together.
Bonus (as in optional):Do you make New Year's resolutions? What is/are your's for 2009?
I don't make resolutions. I set goals and plan steps to achieve them. And sometimes when the calendar turns to February, I still remember what they are lol
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
TMI Tuesday
Other than that, I've been an emotional timebomb. Stress, holidays, hormones, huglessness, all that. I need help. I don't often say that. But I'm having a tough time and I need your support. Bottomline: I need to be touched. No, no. Not there. Still too sensitive there. (hehehe TMI!)
1. What is the greatest age difference between between and a SO? Older or younger?
2 years older. I've never dated anyone not born the Spring of 1978. Apparently, it was a good year for many.
2. What is the greatest age difference between between and any sexual partner? Older or younger?
This is a different answer. lol. About a decade up. And that's all I'm gonna say about that! (unless you ask, I might give one detail.)
3. Have you started your holiday shopping? Is it done?
Selfishly, I've had my Christmas gift from me and my family (we do one "big" gift from the whole family) since Black Friday. Dunno what I'm getting my mother yet (I got her Mother's Day 09 gift already so that should buy me some leeway.) And my nephews will get there gifts between Christmas and their birthdays. The rest of you can unwrap my love everyday!
4. What are the chances there will be a "naughty" present under the tree this year (either from you or for you)?
There is no tree. And probably no gifts to be unwrapped. I prefer my naughiness in its raw form. No bows necessary. Oh, and should I give a naughty, the bow might be the only thing to take off. . . . I'm so fresh! [pops my own hand]
5. What is your favorite holiday song?
This Christmas - Donny Hathaway. The Temptation's Silent Night ALWAYS makes me laugh and smile because I remember the year my mother and aunts sang it in the kitchen. She (attempted to) sang the falsetto AND the baritone verse. We have since banned her from singing and making macaroni and cheese.
Bonus (as in optional):Do you have a preferred time of day to have sex? If so, why?
I don't have a preferred time. But I'm a night owl, so I do my best work under the cloak of darkness.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
All About Cheating
1. If you knew one of your close friends was cheating on their significant other, would you get involved? (EX: Tell their SO, try to talk to your friend about it, etc) Why or why not?
I might voice my thoughts to him/her, but that would be the extent of my involvement. I don't sit on the board of directors in their life, like they don't sit on the board of directors in mine.
2. If your SO was cheating on you and one of your close friends knew, would you want them to tell you? Why or why not?
Better come with come concrete, irrefutable evidence. And even then I'd need to see it for myself. But if their motives are pure and evidence is true, then tell me.
3. Have you ever stuffed your bra or underwear to make the size of your breasts or penis seem larger?
Quite the contrary. I need ace bandages to hold down this 5 letter bra size!
4. Would you sleep with a friend's significant other behind their back if it were guaranteed you'd never be caught?
No. That would ruin 2 relationships. Not worth it.
5. Do you think you are more intelligent than your significant other?
I think my intellectual strengths lie in different areas than his did. We are both smart in our own rights.
6. Do you ever fantasize about cheating on your significant other? Are you ever tempted to really go through with it?
No current SO. But when I had one (and generally speaking), I'm faithful to hilt. As Rihanna said, I loved (was faithful) beyond a reason why.
7. Have you ever had cyber sex, text sex or phone sex with someone other than your significant other during a relationship?
8. Would you cheat on your significant other twice monthly for half a year to have all your debt permanently erased?
Surprisingly, I half entertained the thought. Probably wouldn't though. I don't want to be indebted to someone in that way. I can't say I'd trade my body for my soul, if you get what I mean. A yes would probably haunt me. And I got enough shadows.
BONUS! Have you ever fantasized about having sex with any blogger friends? Would you be daring enough to reveal five of them?
I don't have 5 blogger friends. Or 5 dudes in general I'd have sex with lol. Those that I'm attracted to know that I'm attracted to them. What happens next remains to be seen.