Let's see how coherent these answers will be . . .
1.) Have you ever stolen anything from a relatives house?
Yes, but not since I was 12 or so.
2.) If you had to changed lives with a friend from your real life for a day, which would you choose and why?
My sister. She's amazing and ambitious and resilient and brilliant and strong and loving and she maturing into her better self every day.
3.) Name at least one place where you would never have sex.
Well the one place I thought I never would, I came pretty damn close so . . .
4.) If you could change one personality trait in you significant other, what would you change and why?
I have no current SO. The previous one, I would encourage him to accept the love and support of others rather than shut down or "turtle up". Note I said encourage. I wouldn't want him to change FOR me, that's a superficial, hollow change. I want him to change for the better because that's what he wants for himself. (and none of this is any different than what I've been telling him for years)
5.) How important is the mood and setting to you when it comes to sex? (Do you need certain things to set the mood to really enjoy it, etc)
I don't need certain things. I just want the shared appreciation of the moment (or momentS, hint, hint) and mutual desire to please the other. If I know you're gonna please me, I have no problem relinquishing "selfish control" to please you.
6.) Which is worse, bad sex or no sex? Why?
Bad sex. Something is lacking/missing - communication, mutual respect, intimacy, desire, prowess. No sex allows for room for other things to take place - communication, mutual respect, intimacy . . .
7.) On a scale of 0 to 10, how much of a compulsive spender would you say you are?
6. My compulsive spending is consummed not splurged on the trivial. I tend eat my money, more than indulge in the tangible trinkets most compulsively purchase.
8.) Have you ever left a restaurant without paying the bill? Why?
Yep. Peer pressure. LMAO and they took entirely too long to come get the bill (over 30 minutes for a party of 2). It's a wonder we got away since we giggled the entire way to the car.
TMI Tuesday #235
13 years ago
No fun...so what's the place? It must be a good one if you're not sharing it. :)
ReplyDelete@ Marty E: Some things you just keep close to the breast. . . or vest, or however that saying goes. lol