Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Movies Anyone?

I was just having this conversation about fun at the movies a few weeks ago . . . Even came up in convo with my mother! Lmao

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
Not Easily Broken. Kept thinking how much Morris Chestnut reminds me of my first.

2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?
Butterfinger Bites (or Sour Patch Kids) and a Pepsi.

3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?
Sure did. Had Subways when I went Saturday. Little boy tried to tell me I had to finish my soda before I went in. Hell, I have panties older than him! So you know I was sipping all through the movie.

4. Have you ever made out in a theater?
Absolutely. To this day, I haven't seen The Rock with Sean Connery or anything beyond the opening scene of The. Peacemaker with George Clooney.

5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?
He disappeared under my shirt for a while and our hands disappeared beneath each other's waistbands.

Bonus (as in optional):  What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?

Unfaithful has a few good ones. Blown Away (a Showtime 3am special) has helped me sleep quite a few nights back in the day. There is this scene in Ali but that's just because Nona Gaye is my non-lesbian lesbian crush if there's such a thing. Lol. Oh and the shower scene of I Robot is reshot as me and Will's nipples and not just Will when I show that movie. Lmao

I think I need a Netflicks account!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Point of It All?

1. Have you ever dated/married purely for money?
Nope. I've kept someone around because we had great sex though. Mismatched maturity/mentality with complimentary/complementary sexual compatibility.

2. What is your type?
Taller than me (6'2+ preferred). "Climbable" is a word I like to use. Chocolate. Nice smile. Ability to make me smile and laugh. Able to pull off a suit and tie. Employed. Heterosexual. Not married/involved. Eyelashes. All the things I can ascertain from a first (or third) glance. lol

3. What is the best sex game you have ever played?
I've banned myself from playing Truth or Dare. If I do play, I stick to Truths and let the dares happen to me . . . like the time I had to keep a straight face while my ex (at the time) licked an ice cube all over my back until it melted in a room full of his teammates and my fellow cheerleaders. I couldn't. And I'm glad he had his mother's car that night.

4. Have you ever given or received an orgasm from a person whose last name you did not know?
Nope. Pinkie doesn't have a last name.

5. Have you ever masturbated in front of a sexual partner?
Yep. I've masturbated with him.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Basics

1. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your sex life?
7ish. Only because it's intermittent.

2. If someone shoves you up against a wall while kissing you, your reaction is?
Kiss back! Mama didn't raise no fool! And see how many items of clothing we can get off without breaking the bond.

3. What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done or said to you?
My first wrote "take me, I'm yours" in a Valentine's Day card. So I did. That night. (Hey, I was young). lol Since then? . . .

4. Where is the most unusual place you have ever had sex?
on top of a trunk box in a van in a dark parking lot in the winter.

5. How do you liked to be kissed?

Bonus (as in optional):Most embarrassing sexual moment?
I once got up to change the cd because it stopped. And I wanted to stop.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Shall Call It Mini Me

1. Why do you keep a blog?
i talk to myself 'cause there is no one to talk to. people ask me why, why i do what i do!

2. Who is one long lost blogger you wish would come back?
ain't been here long enough to miss anybody for real. my sister hasn't posted in over 2 months though. only one on my blog roll that doesn't rotate lol

3. If you made a New Year's Resolution, did you break it already? If you did not make one, why?
nope. i said i wasn't gonna hold my tongue. and i haven't. i speak my mind. don't like my peaches, then don't shake my tree!!!

4. People who still have their outside Christmas lights up. Festive or Lazy? Discuss.
they have until MLK Day to take them down. They get a ticket for turning them on after the 1st (grace period given until the saturday after the new year). after january 31, there's a ticket and a penalty. by valentine's day, you are fined heavily and your picture will be posted as a repeat offender in a 5 mile radius of you home. lmao

5. What is the last annoying song that got trapped in your head?
nothing lately. got too many thoughts running through my head and my heart.
*ETA: Take that back. I hear Ring My Bells now. Ringalingaling!

6. Have you ever worn or tried edible underwear? What are your thoughts on it?
never tried. i don't need edible underwear to intice someone to pull up for a meal. (wow talk about uncensored)

Bonus: If you could do one bad thing and get away with it, what would you do and why?
i have. so i can't tell you that. then i wouldn't have gotten away with it right? hehehe
the other thing involves a tall dude, some foreplay and the public. but they can't consume. only the tall dude : )

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'd Rather . . .

I thought some time alone
Was what we really needed . . .

I forgot I loved this Lutha song. But anyway, here are the TMI Tuesday questions. I'm too tired for a real preamble.

'Would you rather...' edition

1. Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you dislike/don't get along with?
someone i dislike. gotta get to the bottom of why we don't get along. either we will work it out or i'll just igg them. lol

2. Would you rather accidentally walk in on your parents having sex or have them walk in on you?
my mother might wanna share her stories . . . and my memory is too good. don't need that sight emblazoned forever.

3. Would you rather be snapped by paparazzi during a nipple slip or while exiting a car with out any underwear?(guys, consider similar circumstances)
ummmm there is no such thing as "nipple slip" in my world. the girls like to announce themselves everytime the wind blows. 2 words: bottle caps.

4. Would you rather not have sex for two years or not be able to use the Internet for two years?
internet. that's a no-brainer.

5. Would you rather find true love or 1 million dollars?
love. another no-brainer. money doesn't love you back.

Bonus (as in optional): If you had to choose *one* sexual position for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?
sit back and enjoy the ride. i'll drive! bc i'll take us where we both wanna go and if i get lost, i'm sure we will both enjoy the scenic route!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wanna Ride?

so day 2 of 09, i wrote a poem. seriously? i decidedly havent written a poem in a while. so i have no idea where this came from. im so open right now. hold me! lmao ack!

Wanna Ride?

My heart is a rollercoaster
Wanna ride?
Gentle promises envelop us with syncopated rhythms
Drumming our ears as we reach the max
An apex beyond the last

Wanna ride?
Jarring turns, paths untold unfold before us
Pressured momentum pushes us to the point
Where feet fledge on the edge of fight or flight
White-knuckled hands hold us together
Bearing the weight to support
No wait for support
Degrees of descent complete
The bar has been raised
Nothing lower than this

Wanna ride?
So much more in store
Each step impacted by the moment before
Storied memories between laughs
And promises to ride with you again. . .

With you, I’m me. Out loud.

All is fair in love.
Wanna ride?

The Countdown

i decided to drop a prospective meme here since i did a retrospective one on the other. besides this meme needs room to breathe. . . .

10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people:
- you made the right decision for all the wrong reasons.
- i think they were right; you are jealous of me.
- i think they were right; i was jealous of what you tricked me into believing you had with her.
- if i told you the hows and whys that might be too much. enough to change the landscape of who i am, and therefore who we are.
- i hate that i have to share a family tree with you considering how much you effed up my childhood.
- you don't have to sit on every erect man you encounter.
- i love you more than you know.
- i'm sorry that ring didn't make you happy.
- i was faking.
- i don't respect her game. dunno why you picked that hoodrat. suffer through that decision.

9 things about yourself:
- my feet are usually the coldest things on my body
- i have premonitions and deja vus. scares the mess outta me sometimes.
- i have to work through some sexual hangups.
- i've been using my full name since the 4th grade.
- my parents got married 15 months after i was born.
- i'm more afraid of myself than i let on.
- i am a mushy, emotional, cornball
- i am determined to have the first healthy marriage in my family. very doable since i'm foolish enough to break the cycle.
- i can detach myself from my body and go into functional shock mode. a dangerously handy trick i picked up during my childhood.

8 ways to win your heart:
- be genuine.
- show me your heart when i show you mine.
- make me smile when tears drown my heart.
- be silly.
- show me you're capable of love
- see ME beyond the curves and the 5 letter bra size
- lead me. support me. inspire me. motivate me. improve with me.
- know when a situation calls for a fight, a hug, a tough, space or a prayer. and do all 5.

7 things that cross your mind often:
- okay, now what?
- who is gonna have my chocolately baby girl for me?
- where's the damn reciprocity?!?!
- why are you so afraid of succeeding?
- am I fired yet?
- what is your purpose in my life (now)?
- is there something wrong with me?
(as you can see, they are all questions with answers that change like the wind)

6 things you do before you go to sleep:
- check my blog roll.
- wrap my hair.
- set the sleep timer on the tv
- play a game on my BB
- decide who/what i want to focus on before i go to bed (gotta steer my dreams sometimes. wink, wink)
- read the latest overheard in new york posts

5 people you couldn't live without:
- my mother
- my sister
- my church fam (closer than my real family in many ways)
- (damn how sad is it that im stuck here?) my father's mother (and her quite strength, resilience and faith in God)
- ummmm . . . the voices in my head. does that count if i name them and/or attribute them to real people?

4 things you're wearing right now:
- headscarf
- tee shirt
- shorts
- ummmm . . . a smile (i was reaching with the scarf lol)

3 songs that fit your life perfectly:
(changes depending on what's on the ipod)
- someone - musiq
- her heart - anthony hamilton
- butterflies - raheem devaughn

2 things you want to do before you die:
- be a mommy (and all the love, joy and beauty that brings)
- be a grandmommy (and all the legacy of love, joy and beauty that continues)

1 confession:
- i would have . . . still would

Thursday, January 1, 2009

De-Flowering Myself

As you can see, I have another blog. It's getting muddled with TMI and other post for private eyes. This is the closeted blog where I can let my hair down (or trim it into a star) or just be less censored.

Welcome to my adult, unadulterated thoughts . . . Might be a bumpy start but I promise to make sure you get yours!