Monday, November 17, 2008

A (Mild) TMI Tuesday

1. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight?
In a movie theater when I saw The Secret Life of Bees

2. On a scale from 1-10, how comfy are you being naked?
Solo, 10. With people I love seeing me, 8. With new people seeing me, 4.

3. What is the longest you've ever been celibate after having lost your virginity?
Definitely a year, maybe 2. I lost track.

4. Have you ever had sex in a car? If yes, since you were a teenager?
I would have to answer no to the intercourse.

5. When did you last use food or drink as medication?
Almost every day Pepsi is my upper. Chocolate is my anti-depressant.

Name three words that:
a) get you excited - I want you
b) make you squirm - I want you
c) make you laugh - I want you (lmao)


  1. Good stuff. I'll be posting mine a little later.

  2. Great answers to the nakedness and the bonus...I can relate to those numbers, but then I guess it matters what everyone else in the room looks like...I also can dig those words for all three answers.

  3. @ Organized Noise: I'll be right over!

    @ Marty E.: Thanks. Fortunately, I haven't run into anyone who makes me uncomfortable in my own skin.

  4. hahahaha! the bonus was too funny!
