Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wanted: Firm. Warm. Perfect fit.

Concave. Release and relief. On the bed. On the floor. In the car. While traveling. Know what I want? A pillow silly. An ergonomic concave pillow. TMI Tuesday was yesterday silly. Seriously. I need this pillow. I've seen in a hundred times when I wasn't looking. Now that I want it, he . . . I mean the pillow is unavailable. My flattened pillows just don't fold and bend and support and bring restful relief the way it used to. Must. Get. Pillow. Today.

1.) When was your last visit to an emergency room? What happened?
For me, November 2nd, 2007. Examination following the car accident. For my 77 year old grandmother who decided to stand on a bed to hang curtains for Christmas last year. She fell and had a pretty nasty gash under her eye. I thought she might've fractured her cheekbone. Just had a nasty black eye for Christmas.

2.) Who do you look more like: Mom, dad or another relative?
My mother! Sometimes I walk by a mirror and I SWEAR the reflection is hers.

3.) What sounds annoy you?
A sleepy, whiny child. I have a high tolerance and I don't take my frustrations out on the child, but I'm like enough already. just go to sleep! And vacuuming. Just noise for no reason.

4.) What are three movies could you (or have you) watch(ed) over and over and still love?
The same ones prolly I will watch during my post-op hiatus: Love & Basketball, RAW, Brown Sugar (need dvd), Best Man (need dvd) Oops. That was 4.

5.) Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Nope just a better me. The grass may seem greener, but their water bill is definitely higher.

6.) What do you think of when you think of Paris?
I hear the Parisans are rude and the weather can suck at times, but I'd like to go to develop my own opinions.

7.) What'​ s the last sport​ing event​ you watch​ed?
Can't say. Football has been on but I've been bloggin or emailing or doing other things that drew my attention away from the game.

​8.) What do you think about sexual Role Playing?
Who I am is enough to work with on its own . . . so I've heard. w


  1. Know what you mean about those pillows. I'm forever buying new ones...maybe a temper-pedic is best these days...but at $150 a pop? Yikes.

  2. @ Marty E.: I know what you mean! Luckily, I found a set of Sealy pillows on overstock.com. Hopefully they are comparable. Otherwise, I'll have to shell out the $150. Small price for restful slumber!.
