Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday . . .

My pillows are in! Woohoo! Soft place to lay my head, drugs, only missing 2 things to make this day the best.

Yea I'm weird but that's what Wednesdays are for!

1.) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
Nope. I can be nekkid for free!

2.) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl typically, but I can do the morning thing when necessary.

3.) Do you take any kind of medication daily or regularly? If so, what?
Yep. Thanks NYC taxi who hit me in the ass a year ago!

4.) Do you ever have naughty thoughts about any of your friends significant others?
Yes completely subconsciously in my sleep. I was freaked out!

5.) What are your favorite comfort foods?
Warm, half baked chocolate chip cookies, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Pepsi, shrimp, pasta . . .

6.) Would you rather direct a porn or star in one?
Neither. My child might wanna be president one day.

7.) Have you ever seen a "donkey show"? Would you ever be interested in seeing one?
Nope. Sounds like a bucket of throw up and animal ish. No thanks.

8.) On a scale of 1 to 10, how gullible of a person would you say you are?
2. I wouldn't call it gullible. I trust you didn't lie until I find out otherwise.


  1. Shrimp as comfort food? Whatever works, I guess.

  2. @ Organized Noise: More like the company I have while eating shrimp provides the comfort.
