Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wednesday - Why not?

Kind of a hodgepodge set of questions from Wednesday Weirdness (look to your right) but I'm a hodgepodge kinda gal.

1.) As an adult, do you do anything for Halloween or is it just another day?
Nope. I usually just buy candy for the harvestfest we have for the kids.

2.) Do you ever dress up for Halloween? What will be your costume this year?
Yes I did. As a child I was whatever costume my mother could fashion out of a leotard and a pair of tights. One year I was a black cat. Next I was a pink bunny. This year, I tried to get a unitard and butterfly wings but . . . . Dunno. I might be naughty; I might be nice. Oh wait, that's Christmas.

3.) Have you started Christmas shopping yet? When do you usually begin?
I don't officially "start" or "stop" shopping. If I see something a person would like and I can afford it, I pick it up. Otherwise, me and my crew just spend some quality time together laughing. Love is the best gift to give (and receive!).

4.) Do you look people in the eye when talking? Does it bother you when people don't make eye contact during conversation?
Depends. Sometimes eye contact is too telling. What I think usually ends up on my face. I might be evading for a few reasons. I know when eye contact is a crucial. I wouldn't say it bothers me but have the decency to look me in the eye when I'm cussing you out! lol

5.) What excuse do you usually use when you want to take a day off work for no real reason?
No excuse usually. I just email out. Or I might email that I'm coming in late. Last time I did that it was because I felt a migraine coming on. Did you know orgasms help ease migraine pain? I read that somewhere. . .

6.) How often, on average, do you find yourself thinking about sex per day?
Lol depends on the day and where it falls on the calendar and who texted/emailed me last. Been "good" lately . . .

7.) What company makes your favorite brand of shoes? What makes them your favorite?
Most of my boxes say Nine West. Price has made many things my favorite lately.

8.) Do you ever save alcohol bottles once they are empty?
No. The point would be why?

9.) Do you enjoy musicals?
Sure why not. I break out in song in every day life. Why should song be relegated to musicals?

Monday, October 27, 2008

TMI Tuesday - Firsts

First names and approximate age is fine too many of you aren't anonymous and too many of you wish to stay anonymous.

1. Who and when was your first crush?
Good one. Not sure. Real crush? Hysiem. Older boy during the Jersey years, maybe 89. He might have been 12.

2. Who and when was your first date?
Double date. Me, SBW, Mo F. and Stewie. 96.

3. Who and when was your first kiss?
Oh hell. That I remember and count? Hassan. 91-92. 6th grade.

4. Who and when was your first partner while "fooling around" in car?
SBW. His Mom's Accord. 96.

5. Who and when was your first partner while "fooling around" in a house?
SBW. His house. 96 was a great and busy year

6. Who and when was your first love?
Wow. These questions are all about my first first lmao. First love in 96. First first in 98.

Bonus: Who's blog did you first comment on?
Finally. A new answer. Organized Noise. : p

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

TMI Tuesday

Looks like I'll be having some gook vacuumed out of my shoulder soon . . . Oh joy!

1. Have you ever felt guilty or ashamed after a sexual experience?
Given my personal history, that would be a yes. But not lately, quite unashamedly!

2. Did you ever own a fake ID?
No but I had a fake crayon colored surface transit pass in an ID case. Does that count?

3. How often do you tell white lies? Is it with or without thinking?
Less often. I always think my lies out at least 3 steps lol

4. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you receive constructive criticism?
Depending on venue and who's delivering and the intent, maybe an 8. But generally, if you are gunning for me, I blaze back.

5. Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
Absolutely. Trimmed and groomed regularly.

Bonus: What percentage of women do you think are capable of handling being in a "friends with benefits" relationship? How about men?
Dunno about percentages and stuff but I think both sexes fabricate their "capability" in that area. We all think we can handle it . . . until the feelings spring up. I think it's about 51/49 women overestimate.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Piggy Bank

There was a couple who were big over-spenders. They always dreamed to spend holidays in Hawaii, but were never able to save any money to do so.

One day they came up with an idea--each time they had sex, they would put $20.00 bill into a piggy bank. They followed that procedure for about a year. When they decided that there was enough money for their dream vacation, they broke the piggy bank.

The husband looked at their savings and said: "Isn't it strange? Each time we had sex, I put $20 into the piggy. But I see tons of $50 bills and a few $100 bills."

The wife replied, "Do you think that everybody is as stingy as you are?"

I Smiled Today. . .

Somehow I lost a day last night. I went to sleep on a Monday night and woke up feeling like a Wednesday. I'm sure it's going to manifest itself as a deja vu later in life . . .

Admission: I want you to spoil me. Not for the selfish reasons you may be thinking. But because I want us to get close enough to build trust. . . and not be afraid of that.

In unrelated news . . .

1.) Do you think you're approachable?
Yes but lately I haven't had much evidence to prove that fact.

2.) Out of the two, would you rather be able to predict things before they happened or be able to read minds whenever you wanted to? Why?
Predict. I tend to attempt to anticipate what's going to happen so I can prepare myself. And I have strong premonitions and clairvoyancy at times. Prediction is akin to that.

3.) Have you ever kissed, fooled around or slept with an ex significant other AFTER you were already broken up?
You been stalking me lately? The answer is yes. And I never regretted any of the times it happened. Lesson learned.

4.) Do you believe dreams are your imagination running wild as you sleep, your subconscious showing you what's really on your mind or something else entirely?
Have you MET me? All three. Could be something I ate, something said that I stored subconsciously, something I'm afraid of that manifested itself in my dreamworld, something I needed to see in another way, a warning, any combination of things. I'm Joseph the dreamer.

5.) How often do you use cuss words? Does your use of cuss words vary on your moods or situations?
Less often recently. And I've substituted letters and sounds for the cusses. Little ears and mixed company. Depends on who I'm talking to and what I'm talking about. Some words are ineffective synonyms. Ish is stronger than stuff. You get on my effin' nerves, etc.

6.) Do you ever purposely lead people on so you can get what you want?
No. If I'm doing anything that resembles "leading you on", we are both going to get what we want. I don't have time for the games. You lead, I follow.

7.) When was the last time you did something you told yourself you wouldn't do? What was it?
Earlier today. It was harmless on my end. But he may have read more into it. Just conversation. No more, no less.

8.) If you could​ meet one musician who is no longe​r alive​,​ who would​ it be?

TMI Tuesday - The 7 Virtues

These questions are not as easy as I anticipated. But very thought provoking and insightful. I'm interested in what yall have to say so. You can do it too! lol TMI Tuesday #155

1. Prudence: When do you feel it is most important to exercise prudence? When is it acceptable to throw practicality out the window?
When lack of prudence will bring about heightened scrutiny, judgment, shame, embarrassment, etc. Basically, when your decisions screw you and those around you. I'm not going to be the reason why my daughter can't be president, because of something floating on the internet 10 years before she was born. Prudence is simply caring about what happens before it happens.

2. Justice: Is a sense of justice really a virtue, or is only a tool that allows us to pass judgment on others without feeling guilty? What do you feel is the greatest injustice facing the world today?
Depends on the swing of the pendulum. There are instances where we can exact justice (where there is clear, almost universal agreement of wrongdoing). But ultimately we all have to pass that way at some point and we should remember that when we raise that gavel to sentence another for something we deem improper, immoral, orunforgiveable. Someone may think the same way about how we govern ourselves. And justice is NOT revenge, retribution, etc.

3. Temperance: All things in moderation. Should we allow ourselves a few excesses? How well do you restrain yourself when faced with your deepest desires?
Yes. I allow myself a few excesses . . . thus the size of my wardrobe. Depends on whether it will be worth it in the end. Sometimes, I restrain myself well by pushing away from the table; other times, my fingers just dial numbers out of habit. . .

4. Courage/Fortitude: How well do you confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation? Does facing the little things make you as brave as facing the big things?
I don't confront fear and uncertainty well; MUCH better than I used to but I wouldn't use the word well. I pick my battles. But I realize I'm also that type of person that won't lift my foot to take a step unless I know where that next step is or I can step back where I once was.
The little things help me to conquer the bigger ones because then I have history with overcoming and exercising fortitude. Although I may be timid and dodge the challenge at first, eventually I will get tired of running and face it head on because clearly the flight aspect didn't work.

5. Faith: Is it important to have faith? How steadfast are you in your core beliefs? Do your core beliefs equate to faith in something?
For me, it's vitally important. If I didn't have faith, I would have succumbed a long time ago. And then again. And again. And just recently. Faith is the only thing that has kept me afloat. God puts strength around me to hold on to during times of storm. That strength may come from within me or He places people of strength around me so that I can draw from their strength. Sometimes they are strong enough to pull me up and slap the mess outta me and say ENOUGH ALREADY. If I didn't have beliefs and faith, I wouldn't have been around long enough to let that happen. And faith has made me cowardly humble enough to realize I can't end what I didn't start.
My strongest core belief is: I believe who I am resides in who He is. And He is real to me. If I am to believe that I am His child, I have to believe I got some of His traits. I have my non-negotiable personal beliefs and some things fall into a more gray, situation by situation evaluation process. My personal beliefs grow stronger as I realize what I won't allow. My beliefs has allowed me to see that there is more. God in His Infinite wisdow has created a greater purpose and chose me, as wretched and unworthy as I am, to do a work in this corner of His vineyard.

6. Hope: Does having hope for the future help you deal with the present? How good are you at finding the good in the bad? What is the thing you hope for most?
I touched on that in the Faith question. Yes it does. Hoping is expecting. I expect things to be better so I will make it happen or wait for it to come my way.
I'm better at finding the good in the bad when it's not me. I'm the silver lining girl. But when it's me, I've been more intimately acquainted with the bad. I tend to screen the good through the bad. I'm working on just seeing the good.
What I hope for most is to be come the ME I'm destined to be and being okay with that. I hope to be the best wife, mother, friend, sister, teacher, lover, confidante, support, visionary, missionary . . .

7. Love/Charity: How easy is it for you to give selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness? How easy is it for you to receive selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness?
I give better than I get. I've been tempering that selfless and unconditional love because it was becoming self-damaging and conditional. I loved so I expected blank (conditional) and because I loved they expected blank. It's harder for me to do the latter.
It's hard for me to accept that kind of love too. Sometimes, I'm waiting for the last shoe to drop or I'm walking on eggshells because if I enjoy it too much or acknowledge it, it will disappear. I'm learning not every hug isn't attached to a hand with a dagger in it. And I'm learning that I deserve that kinda selfless, unconditional love. That's big.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Because It's Wednesday

Just killing time at work while I pull this report . . .

1.) Have you ever purchased an item of clothing and intentionally worn it with tags on it so that you could return it the next day?
No but I have purchased something and decided I rather have the money. Buyer's remorse.

2.) Would you rather be late to the party, or the first person to arrive? Why?
Late to the party. I have a thing about being the first person to arrive. I'll explain more later.

3.) When do you usually begin your Christmas shopping?
Christmas shopping? Ha! I don't buy a lot of gifts you can unwrap for Christmas. No need to shop for my love! lmao

4.) What three cancelled tv shows do you wish they’d bring back?
Cosby Show the Next Generation (I just wanna look at Theo as an adult man! lol), Living Single, Will & Grace

5.) What do you have in your vehicle's glove compartment?
Windex wipes, baby wipes, sticky link remover thingy, Breeze's owner's manual, dead flashlight, batteries, deodorant, feminine products, caps for my tires, screwdriver/light combo deal branded from my mother's job, and strawberry air freshener tree.

6.) Have you ever donated blood?
Absolutely. I've saved 15 lives to date. Each pint saves 5 lives.

7.) Have you ever kissed or dated someone else's significant other? What happened?
Yep. Not my favorite thing to do. Nothing. Life goes on.

8.) Have you ever mistaken one product for another while in the bathroom and didn't notice until after you used it? (EXAMPLE: Washing your hair with liquid body soap, slathering hand soap on your legs instead of lotion after a shower, et cetera)
I'm sure I have but nothing is coming to mind. ..

9.) Would you/Have you ever dated someone who had a criminal record?
I think I have. A minor arrest for something non-violent yet stupid like malicious destruction of property. It's not one of my non-negotiables but I'm not exactly LOOKING for that particular trait either.