Tuesday, December 2, 2008

All About Cheating

Wonders how come this week's Wednesday Weirdness feels like a TMI Tuesday? And I always feel like somebody's watching me . . . can't get no privacy . . . nooooo oooh oooh . . .

1. If you knew one of your close friends was cheating on their significant other, would you get involved? (EX: Tell their SO, try to talk to your friend about it, etc) Why or why not?
I might voice my thoughts to him/her, but that would be the extent of my involvement. I don't sit on the board of directors in their life, like they don't sit on the board of directors in mine.

2. If your SO was cheating on you and one of your close friends knew, would you want them to tell you? Why or why not?
Better come with come concrete, irrefutable evidence. And even then I'd need to see it for myself. But if their motives are pure and evidence is true, then tell me.

3. Have you ever stuffed your bra or underwear to make the size of your breasts or penis seem larger?
Quite the contrary. I need ace bandages to hold down this 5 letter bra size!

4. Would you sleep with a friend's significant other behind their back if it were guaranteed you'd never be caught?
No. That would ruin 2 relationships. Not worth it.

5. Do you think you are more intelligent than your significant other?
I think my intellectual strengths lie in different areas than his did. We are both smart in our own rights.

6. Do you ever fantasize about cheating on your significant other? Are you ever tempted to really go through with it?
No current SO. But when I had one (and generally speaking), I'm faithful to hilt. As Rihanna said, I loved (was faithful) beyond a reason why.

7. Have you ever had cyber sex, text sex or phone sex with someone other than your significant other during a relationship?

8. Would you cheat on your significant other twice monthly for half a year to have all your debt permanently erased?
Surprisingly, I half entertained the thought. Probably wouldn't though. I don't want to be indebted to someone in that way. I can't say I'd trade my body for my soul, if you get what I mean. A yes would probably haunt me. And I got enough shadows.

BONUS! Have you ever fantasized about having sex with any blogger friends? Would you be daring enough to reveal five of them?
I don't have 5 blogger friends. Or 5 dudes in general I'd have sex with lol. Those that I'm attracted to know that I'm attracted to them. What happens next remains to be seen.


  1. You don't have five blogger friends? You need to get around more.

    This was definitely better than TMI Tuesday this week. I might have to start doing this on a regular basis if its like this every week.

  2. Well that's not totally true. Most of the people that I read/lurk are women. And I have a one-vagina rule. Hell, I've barely been with 5 people in RL. I'm particular lmao.
