Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TMI Tuesday - The Quickie

No preamble today. . . You should be ready and waiting . . . This is a quickie.

1. When you sleep with someone, how much or how little contact do you like to have?
I'm a cuddlebug. Once the heat subsides, I like to sleep feeling his heartbeat on my back with my heart in his hand. I'm the spooning type.

2. What do you think there is a appropriate amount of time for a divorce parent to date before introducing the kids to the "new" "special" person in their life?
I don't think you can circle a date on the calendar for that. I think the parent should make that call based on the level of commitment he/she has with her significant other and the age and maturity level of the child(ren). I'm not with that whole this is Uncle Bubba thing that some people do. Ain't that many Uncles in the world. I'm not a parent yet, but if I were, I wouldn't have a revolving door of dudes around my children.

3. Which ONE do you wish you had more of in bed... romance, experimentation or foreplay?
I guess I'll say experimentation although "in bed" is a criteria of the question. Romance and foreplay can (and should) take place outside of the bedroom. A bed is a minor detail that may be overlooked. And I have a couple of places and things I wanna cross off my list . . . .

4. What do you thinks makes a kiss great?
The feelings shared between us. Nothing worst than a passionless kiss.

5. Describe your sex life in two words.
Recently ended (sigh)

Bonus (as in optional): Do you remember a time when you were having sex that you smile or even laugh about now? Do tell....
Lmao. I had surgery on a Wednesday. That Friday, my ex came by to help me. . . . and after I helped myself, I took a nap (put myself to sleep). When he called to check on me later that day, he tossed around words like amazing and outstanding. Look, ma! No hands! lmao


  1. Most of those answers sound familiar to me.

  2. Oh to be cuddled...that would be nice. Life's too lonely these days.
